Thursday, April 16, 2009

Volunteering affect the enviroment

I felt really annoyed by the fact that I was forced and obligated to do something that is supposed to be voluntary. I kept on procrastinating in stubbornness to sign up for community service opportunities provided by the school until it appeared to me that there is definitely no way out of this duty. However, this deadly false viewpoint of mine has been changed dramatically after a few hours of volunteering in a community service project at school last year. Painting the fences for a national park where were affected badly by a fire, label food for poor children all over the country, packing can food for seniors were our task for the project week. There are a bunch of students like me in this project, we all participated and cooperated very well even though the job was a little bit tough for girls but eventually we finished our job perfectly. After done with our project all the students felt so tired but there were some things really good in our heart that we were doing it to help people. Contradicting to my unfriendly and irritating attitude, president, knowing that I desperately needed the hours to graduate, were absolutely welcoming and considerate as they tried their very best to work out a schedule for me to help out with the children programs. The tasks at first were very demanding and challenging and the clock was ticking unbelievably slowly. I had to constantly order the shelves, rearrange the kids books and clean up the floor in every classroom after school in the kinder garden school. One of my best memories is my shocking reaction as the very room that I just spent hours to clean up was a complete mess after “a sudden attack” by the kids next door. As my anger subsided, I suddenly comprehended a valuable lesson about appreciating what my parents do to me. They have to clean up my room every single day with only one condition –me keeping it as tidy as possible; yet, I couldn’t do it as I heartlessly ignored their complains. Not until that “sudden attack” then I acknowledged how ungrateful I have always been. Besides doing the cleaning work, I also helped out with the Summer Reading program and various clubs sponsored by the school. Working with these kids on a regular basis helped me understand how much my work means to them as these programs were the only source of entertainment they could get all summer long. As a result, I felt happy whenever I started my shift at the kinder garden school knowing that whatever tasks I was assigned were going to make someone’s day. As time passed, I realized how beneficial, meaningful and valuable my volunteering work really was as it helped me improve myself as a student and an individual, taught me how to interact with other people in this community and gave me an opportunity to express my gratitude toward the society that has nurtured and guided me to success.

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